Nourishing Mama Mission

Aspiring to nourish and care for mama’s everywhere!

Mama’s (and dad’s too) lose sight of taking care of ourselves.  I know it is true for me, is it true for you?  We do everything we can to give the best care to our kids and spouses, there often isn’t a lot left over for ourselves.  But, you know what?  The best gift we can give our families is a well-cared for mama because the saying really is true, “if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  Plus what better behavior to model for children, especially for young girls, that taking care of yourself is important?  So this is a mission for me personally to take care of myself really, really well.  And it is also an invitation for other mamas to join me in taking some time to care for themselves.

What is the Nourishing Mama Mission?

As I develop my journey of self-care, of mama care and I would love for you to join me.  Every two weeks I plan to introduce a habit, idea or even creation to help me take care of me and you too!  Two weeks will be enough time to really try something out, to give it a chance while not being overwhelming.  The goal here is to nourish, uplift and inspire not to overwhelm and create more “shoulds” or “coulds”.  Join me in as many of these activities as you want.  I would love to hear any ideas you have.  How do you take care of you?  What are some of the ways you would like to care for yourself?

Posts ~

Mama On A Mission ~ Introduction

Nourishing Mama Mission One ~ Cultivating Sacred Space 

Nourishing Mama Mission Two ~ Attitude of Gratitude ~ The Start of the Day

Nourishing Mama Mission Three ~ The Art of Bathing

Nourishing Mama Mission Four ~ Herbal Infusions, Healthful Simplicity



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