
Welcome to Mama Rosemary!

My name is Angela, I am a certified herbalist, mother and preschool teacher with a background in science, botany and nutrition.  Plants, children and healthy, inspired living are my passion.  Mama Rosemary is a place for sharing all the great things I have learned along the way on the path of Motherhood and beyond.  I am excited to share herbal ideas, tips and information for Mamas and their families, as well as fun herbal, craft and science ideas for working (playing) with children.


Herbs are my friends and my inspiration!  I love to work with gentle nourishing herbs which are generally very safe and create health in lovely simple ways.  Children respond easily to herbs and are often fascinated by their smell, taste and visual appeal.  Using herbs with kids especially in a hands-on way further gives kids a wonderful chance to really explore this beautiful part of the world.
Crafting brings out the creative artist in us all facilitating self-expression, learning and increasing confidence.  
Science exploration is a great way to engage kids and teach them about the wonders of Mother Earth including all the amazing plants growing on our beautiful mama.
I love finding fun, healthy and easy ways to support myself and my family.  It feels so good to know that I do my best for those I love!  I can’t wait to share with you all that I have learned over the years and what I am still learning.  
 Moon Time to me is a sacred time for women.  A time to learn about ourselves and a time that brings us together as women.  
 Motherhood, like moon time, is to me sacred.  It is a journey that we as woman go on along with all of those ancestral women from the past and all of those to come.  We are connected.  It is important that we take care of ourselves, because as we all know, if mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy!
Thanks for reading!

16 thoughts on “About

  1. Interesting content & topic combinations. I’ll be sure to visit again!

  2. wishgardenwholefoodsblog

    Angela, a shout out to you from your friends over at WishGarden Herbs:)

  3. Just found your site and I love what I’ve seen so far! what are you r recommendations to becoming an herbalist?

    • Hi! I am so glad you found me too!
      There are all kinds of herbalists in the world from the self-taught to those who have attended schools such as Bastyr, so deciding where you want to start will help you find your path. I would recommend starting with a good book and a class with a local herbalist if you can find one. If you want to go to school, there are lots of wonderful options with a bit of research, I am sure you can find a perfect fit. Learning Herbs (http://www.learningherbs.com/) is another great resource for getting started. If you are on the Front Range of Colorado I can give you more specific suggestions for finding schooling, so let me know! Happy herbal journeys!!

  4. I have no idea how you found my blog, but I think we were meant to ‘find’ one another!
    I have just moved out of my childhood home and am on a mission to move away from toxins, preservatives and harsh chemicals.
    I am also a devoted Louise Hay fan and believe in sacred time for the self.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and I will enjoy reading yours!
    Jemma 🙂

    • HI Jemma! I am so glad you came over for a visit! I love Louise Hay too, so inspiring. Your new adventure sounds so exciting and it will be great to follow along with you! I found you via some comments you made on http://blueridgebotanicals.wordpress.com.
      Thanks for stopping by!

      • Thanks, Angela! She is very inspiring, though I have just moved two hours away from my childhood home and when moving, I put my ‘You Can Change Your Life’ in a safe spot so I wouldn’t lose or forget it.
        I forgot it and I am feeling SO lost!
        Follow along, I love your blog and love the ideas and inspiration I gather from it!
        Jemma 🙂

  5. Sustain, Create and Flow

    I would love to have you do a guest post about bathing at Sustain, Create and Flow. I find your bathing posts very inspiring and would be overjoyed if you wanted to share an herbal bath recipe with my readers 🙂
    Namaste, Jerica

  6. Paty

    I’m so glad to find you! Have enjoyed visiting you and plan to come again!. So much useful information.

  7. thanks a lot for your lovely posts and all the great jobs that you done with kids. Would you please contact me via e-mail as i cannot find yours?

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